Member-only story
How To Get Motivated
Some days you wake up ready to go, and then some days you have a hard time finding your inner drive that motivates you to get going.
It’s so easy to lose your motivation, I know I have a few times. What do you do when you don’t feel motivated? How can you encourage yourself to get going?
Fist you need to remember to start small. Most of us have this bad habit of wanting to pick the biggest project to tackle when we are feeling less then enthusiastic. If your like me, you end up getting nothing done because the project was just to big when you don’t have any motivation.
Big tasks can often lead you to procrastinate, so pick a smaller one to start you day off with. I know sometimes even a small task can seem daunting. Break it up into sections or steps and just get started.
Reduce your daily distractions. Shut your office door and turn off your phone, or at least put it way on the other side of the room so you wont be tempted to look at it while you are trying to work.
Find an accountability buddy. There is nothing that motivates me more then when I have someone asking if I got that project done yet, or how far alone I’ve come on it. It also helps keep me motivated if I set a deadline.
Find positive people who inspire you to hang around with and talk to. Negativity can drag you down…